Terraria- Moon Lord drops rated

Hey everyone, its rocky again! Today I am going to rate the 9 moon lord drops. Keep in mind these are my opinion.

9- Celebration- This is #9 for many reasons. First off, who uses rockets? Second, it's not a very good rocket launcher, honestly. Third and final, it seems to always drop. EVERY TIME.

8-  Lunar Portal Staff- I really don't use this much, as I use the crystal Staff more. This just seems like a downgrade from the crystal staff to me.

7- Lunar Flare- Overshadowed by the Last Prism, the Lunar flare isn't honestly bad, just not as good as some of the other weapons dropped by the moon lord.

6- Rainbow Crystal Staff- A very good weapon that I use as a backup for my melee play through. I wish I could put this higher, but the others are just better.

5- SDMG- At #5 we have the Space Dolphin Machine Gun. This weapon is overall very good, and fun to use. The only reason that it is this low is that I prefer melee over ranged.

4- Meowmere- I know that the meowmere is extremely powerful, and I love it, however it is less fun than the top 3 that I will get to next.

3- Last Prism- An overall fun weapon, that last Prism is extremely powerful and fun to use. The only reason this isn't #2 is how it uses mana extremely fast.

2- Terrarian- Extremely fast and powerful, the terrarian is super fun to use, and I love yoyos. There isn't much else to say here.

1- The Star Wrath- Even if it isn't more powerful that the Meowmere, this is my favorite weapon as it is very fun to use and looks very cool.

As I said, these are just my opinions. Agree? Disagree? Tell me below in the comments.


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